Why school governance matters

Roger Pope, Chair of NCTL, looks at the challenges and impact of school governance.
Roger Pope, Chair of NCTL, looks at the challenges and impact of school governance.
A guide to the roles and structures within the school-led system.
We talk to Debbi Botham, Governor Services Manager for EES for Schools - a school effectiveness and improvement organisation owned by Essex County Council.
What’s it like to work with a national leader of governance (NLG)? The Diocese of Hallam Schools Department in Sheffield worked with NLG Ed Wydenbach and we spoke to them to find out more.
There are around 500 national leaders of governance (NLGs), sharing their expertise with other schools. In this article, a chair explains how one helped her school to an improved Ofsted grade and a newly designated NLG talks about his hopes for the …
Paul Woodhead, national leader of governance, describes the work of the Staffordshire Governance Forum, a peer-to-peer support network for governors.